Back 2 College Show @ Mill City Nights! 9/11

It's that time again! Everyone's going back to college so we are gonna make a celebration of it. Don't miss this big party, we will have Pledge Empire Records artist Ced Linus & Sti-Lo Reel will be headlining this event with some very dope talent. We will have a party bus for this show and we will have games where you can win Minnesota Timberwolves tickets. We also will be selling the last of the limited edition Pledge Empire Records t-shirts at this show. Also, back by popular demand we will have our signature drink "The Empire". This is an 18+ event don't miss it. 

Where: Nether Bar
When: Sept 11th
Cover: $10 tickets, $12 door
Age: 18+

Show events: 
1. Party Bus
2. Win Timberwolves tickets
3. "The Empire" signature drink

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TC Daily: The Red Eye Flight

"Sharing is where you as an artist, feels the most insecure,” says Rich Garvey member of Cherry Sky, a Twin CIties-based music label and arts collective. “You think, ‘I hope they can get an inkling of how I felt when I made this.’”

Cherry Sky Studios is a talented spectrum of emcees, producers, and video directors. The crew consists of AbhiNav, eL.I.Be, Rico Polo, T’ La Shawn, Rich Garvey, Stefan Wolf & Diatonic. Cherry Sky release the album “The Red Eye Flight,” this Thursday, May 1 at Honey in Northeast Minneapolis. Here is what they had to say about this new project.

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